Surface facilities:
Wellhead, gathering systems, export networks, oil treatment unit, gas treatment unit.
1. Conceptual study
The activity relates to the new oil and gas field developments, and concerns particularly the conceptual studies. From the initial data as production profile, the number of wells, the production mode, the field’s location and the constraints of the contract, these studies will be conducted.
The conceptual study leads to a global scheme of development and probable scenarios, evaluated and compared. The development must be in conformity with the rules of the environment.
2. Pre-FEED:
Basic data control
Process simulation
Hydraulic studies /steady state & transient simulation
PFDs’ scheme
Heat and material balance (H&MB)
Equipment's list
3. FEED’s tender documents:
Preparation of tender documents for the FEED (FEED scope of work)
Preparation of draft contracts (if required)
Preparation of tender evaluation procedures
Optional assistance to the proposals’ evaluation
4. Expertise
Overall fields’ development strategies concepts
Advice for the choice of FDP options (surface facilities)
Reviews and assistance for projects (FEED and EPC)
5. Existing facilities
Performance’s evaluation, design data recheck.
Process simulations – identification of operating problems
Revamping and/or upgrade study
Associated gas Recovery study
Gas lift and pumping studies - well's performance study & gaslift design
Gathering networks, gas and water networks optimization
6. Oil & gas gathering system & pipeline - FLOW ASSURANCE STUDIES -